This is the very first AVAFEST Veterans Book Fair and it is combined with a HEALTH and WELLNESS event. COME AND JOIN US! As we present healthcare professionals in panel discussions and demonstrations of proven therapies that you may have heard of but never yet experienced. Book signings start at 4 PM. Be there and show you care. Read a book written by a veteran.
The Parker Jazz Club will be playing a benefit Jazz concert in support of the Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel (VSPChannel) and the Austin Veteran Arts Festival. The concert is to help raise funds so that the channel can maintain a free Veterans’ Arts and Wellness Network on ROKU television. The Network can also be accessed online and we will continue to produce live shows via AVAFEST. Tickets are on sale now on the Parker Jazz Club website. We hope to see you there on Sunday, October 23, 2022 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS BY USING THIS LINK:
KERRY ANN ZAMORE is a very gifted writer, director and producer. This year, she will be presenting a play that she is producing entitled “MARRIED, SINGLE, DIVORCED ….And Somewhere in Between.” Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel. Don’t miss this wonderful play from a director who is getting ready to direct her first sitcom for television, “TRANSITION CONDITION.” This play will be one day only at the BOYD VANCE Theater, which is part of the George Washington Carver Museum in Austin, Texas.
The CAMOUFLAGED SISTERS will be presenting this reality based show on stage at the George Washington Carver Museum, BOYD VANCE THEATER . All of these ladies are veterans, and they tell us about their experiences in uniform in no uncertain terms. Come catch the “SISTERHOOD CHAT.”
This show will feature four funny comedians who will perform at four different venues throughout Central Texas. Director of Comedy, Al Gonzales, promises his team will make you laugh your butt off. Join them for the laughter that follows them wherever they go. For more information about where and when the comedy will be on a stage near you, check our online event schedule on this website.